General terms and conditions Aurora Tarot Reading


• My work is a product of a natural gift, knowledge and experience that I have acquired and upgraded over the years with domestic and foreign teachers, and for which I have also obtained the appropriate certificates.

• I have developed and shaped my abilities over the years, so I exclusively and with good intentions pass them on to those who could benefit from them.

• Contact with me is the personal choice and decision of each individual.

• I do not accept responsibility for later actions and decisions of individuals who seek my help and advice.

• I do not make medical diagnoses, nor do I treat or cure any diseases.

• I do not decide, suggest, or imply how you should decide in certain life situations.

• The decisions and choices of the person who seeks my help and advice depend solely and only on that person.

• You take full and sole responsibility for your decisions.

• My help and advice are not a substitute for the professional opinion of doctors, healers, or other therapists and medical or alternative healthcare professionals.

• I reserve the right to refuse or decline a person whom I deem may harm me or my work in any way.

• I reserve the right to change prices, working hours or location of operation, without prior notice.

• By confirming and placing an order for the services I offer, you fully agree, understand, and confirm this statement.


• As users of this website, you agree to the information provided regarding prices and costs that arise when purchasing minutes or packages.

• All details regarding the purchase of minutes are defined on

• All details regarding the purchase of packages are defined on

• I reserve the right to change prices without prior notice.

• I do not transact with cash. Payment for the services I offer is possible exclusively and only by direct payment to the company’s business account, through the PayPal payment system, or with payment and credit cards.

• You will receive an invoice for the received payment at your e-mail address. Upon agreement, I will also send the invoice for the received payment by post to your address.

• Article 7 of ZEPT: Description of technical procedures for concluding a contract, description of technical procedures for identifying and correcting errors before placing an order, and storage of an electronic contract.


The consumer visits the website and views the options for cheaper conversations through the purchase of minutes or packages.

The consumer selects the desired number of minutes to purchase by clicking on the “Select” button. The consumer is redirected to the “Shop – Product” page, where they confirm their selection by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. The consumer can see their selection in the “Cart” tab. The consumer then clicks on the “Checkout” tab.

The system requires the consumer to enter the traditional payer data and payment options. The consumer enters the required information and selects the appropriate payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, or Bank Transfer). When the information is entered, the consumer orders the desired number of purchased minutes by clicking the CONFIRM payment button.

Upon receiving confirmation of payment, the consumer is notified via email of the receipt of their order, and a mobile phone number is provided for the use of the purchased minutes.

The service provider and the consumer mutually agree on and coordinate the time of use of the purchased minutes. Communication between the consumer and the service provider takes place via email throughout the entire process.

Upon ordering the purchase of minutes, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days. The consumer will receive a refund of the paid amount immediately or no later than 14 days after the withdrawal from the contract. The consumer submits a request for withdrawal from the paid service to the email address

The request must include the following information:

  • First and last name of the customer
  • Address of the customer
  • Date of purchase of minutes
  • Reason for withdrawal


• In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 59/1999, 57/2001, 59/2001) and the Law of Obligations, as a service provider, I undertake to protect all your acquired data in accordance with the laws and regulations.eo.

• Your personal data will not be disclosed to any physical or legal person explicitly and without your permission.

• By filling out the online form, you agree and confirm that all your data (name, surname, email address or data about third parties you are inquiring about) will be used exclusively and solely for the purpose of providing high-quality advisory services and for issuing invoices for the services provided.

• I require your personal data (name, surname, names of the people you are inquiring about, all dates of birth, etc.) solely and exclusively for easier and more reliable advice.


• All texts, images, applications, computer programs, and other information on the website are exclusively owned by the owner of the activity “Aurora in You – spirit of essence”, aromatherapy, and counseling, Urška Košak s.p., Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana, SI-Slovenia.

• Any copying, transcription, reproduction, or use for commercial and other purposes without the written permission of the activity holder is strictly prohibited and legally controversial.

• The content author published on the website expects website users to respect the stated provisions and laws in the field of privacy protection, intellectual property, and copyright law.

• In case of discovering abuse and violation of these rights, legal action will be taken against the perpetrator.

• Slovenian legislation applies to any disputes arising from this website.

• The competent court is responsible for resolving any disputes.

• By using the website, the user confirms that they have understood and accepted the described conditions and fully agrees with them.


“Aurora in You – spirit of essence”, aromatherapy, and counseling, Urška Košak s.p., Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana, SI-Slovenia, in accordance with legal regulations, does not recognize any out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider as competent for resolving a consumer dispute that a consumer could initiate in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.

This regulation stems from the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.

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