Visokokvalitetni Aromaterapevtski Izdelki
Dvigni vibracijo - Začuti svoje življenje!
Edinstvena blagovna znamka energijskih esenc, ki jo je ustvarila certificirana aromaterapevtka za izboljšanje vašega fizičnega, čustvenega in energijskega telesa.
🖤Črna magija, energijski vampirji in entitete: Razumevanje, znaki napada in zaščita🖤
What is Black Magic? 🖤✨ Black magic is the practice of using supernatural forces for evil purposes. This can include spells, curses, and other forms
🌺Unveiling the Power of Geranium Essential Oil🌺
🌸 Origin: Extracted through steam distillation of the leaves of the Pelargonium graveolens plant, native to South Africa. Legends suggest it was utilized for various
🌿 Discover the Magic of Clary Sage Essential Oil 🌿
🌸 Introduction: This herb, blossoming in the Mediterranean, is now under the scientific lens for its various potential health merits. Harness its essential oil either
Obožujeeeem Neroli!
Poznan je tudi pod imenom Cvet pomarančevca. Njegov intenzivno cvetlični, sladek, citrusni in eksotični vonj me vedno znova prevzame. Rada ga uporabljam v svojih esencah saj se odlično ujema z ostalimi eteričnimi olji.